The latest trend on Facebook is to list things you are thankful for during the month of November leading up to Thanksgiving. I love this idea! There is not enough space on a Facebook status to list all I am thankful for. It needed it's own blog post!
First and foremost, I am beyond thankful to my Father God for His unending mercy, love, power, and forgiveness. I am thankful that He catches me before I fall, that He sees my future far before I do and prepares me for it, that He opens doors that need opening, closes doors that need to be closed, and that He has given me the opportunity to participate in worship each Sunday and Wednesday at my church.
I am thankful for music. Singing has been a part of my days for as long as I can remember. Music always filled our home and it fills my home now. I took for granted that God blessed me with the ability to sing. It wasn't until around 10 months ago that I realized how God has protected and preserved that gift for His use.
I am thankful for Dr. Thomas. Dr. Thomas was the surgeon that removed half of my thyroid glad 10 months ago. In January of 2009, I was diagnosed with a tumor or nodule on the right side of my thyroid. Surgery was scheduled for May. One week before my surgery date, I found out I was expecting my sweet Liam. Brad and I were beyond thrilled for this blessing, as we had gone through losing a pregnancy just a few months before. Liam was God's gift to us. He was tangible proof of His unending love for Brad and I. He was conceived at Easter--the time of year where we thank Jesus for His power, might, and that He is alive!!! He was born on December 29th,--Christmas time! The time of year where we reflect on God's love for us. He sent His own son because He loved us! He blessed Brad and I with our second son because He loved us. He was watching over me, protecting my body, and preserving Liam. The nodule was still there and growing, but my baby was healthy and well.
I am thankful for Ian Michael. Ian means God's gracious gift. That is exactly what that sweet baby is to me. A gift! My cup runneth over whenever I see that chubby little man. Ian Michael is our surprise baby. I found out I was expecting him when Liam was just 6 months old. I was in shock. How could I manage this? Three kids under the age of 4? I started to melt down. But over and over, the Lord used people in my life to share with me that His grace was enough! I had the grace to be a mother of 2 and I would have His grace to be a mother of 3 when the time came. My pregnancy and birth were both amazing. The hand of God was there the entire time.
The tumor was still in my thyroid, still growing, but God covered my babies in my womb, just like His word says in Psalms. He protected me as well! That nodule had gotten so large, that it was completely compressing my trachea. It was beginning to wrap itself around my voice box and attach. When Dr. Thomas went in to remove it (9 months after Ian was born), he could not believe that I wasn't having trouble swallowing or breathing. I had been leading worship just weeks before the surgery! That is just the hand of God. I was back singing worship just 2 short weeks after surgery. Dr. Thomas didn't believe me when I told him at my post op appointment! I had no damage to my vocal chords or voice, in spite of the fact that the enemy was trying to steal that gift from me. I will never take my voice for granted again.
I am thankful for Aidan. My first born, the boy who made me mom. He is such a light, a leader, my helper, a silly boy, creative, compassionate, passionate, complex but simple, my boy! During all of the struggles with my thyroid, Aidan would put his little hands on my neck daily and say, "Jesus, heal mommy, make that thyroid to GO in Jesus' Name!" I know Jesus heard the prayers of my sweet boy. And He answered them!
I am thankful for Brad. Brad is a walking example of what the Bible says love is in 1 Corinthians 13. He is always patient and kind with me, he has never kept a record of wrong ( I wish I could say the same!), he stood beside me through days that were hard, he upholds me when I feel like I cannot stand on my own. God brought him in to my life at a time when I needed him most. He has continued to bless me and our home daily with his attitude about life! Brad is a provider. He works very hard so that I am able to be at home with our boys. He supports me in that. He supports me educating Aidan at home. Those 2 things alone are worth their weight in gold. He has always said I am beautiful, even when I haven't felt that way. Having back to back pregnancies was hard emotionally and physically. I was left with 2 beautiful babies and more extra weight than I had ever carried in my life. He never put pressure on me to "get back to my old self". He just continued to look at me just as he always had, with love. I cannot thank him enough for that.
I am thankful for Lysa TerKeurst. Lysa is the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. She wrote a book that has changed my life called Made to Crave. I decided to read Made to Crave right around the same time I had thyroid surgery. I had some extra time to read while I was resting and recovering. I knew the subject matter of the book--getting healthy, redirecting our cravings, growing closer to Jesus. Those things were my goals for the year too! I had never involved God in my weight loss efforts before. And every time before, it was a struggle. One plan after the other. Those plans may have worked, but it was a constant struggle! This time was different. Involving God in that area of my life was exactly the thing that had been missing. I know that He wants me to live my best life--the life He intending for me! He wants me healthy and strong to take care of my boys. With the tools I gathered from that book, the strength of the Lord, and sheer determination, I have lost 60 pounds in the past 10 months. I feel awesome! More importantly, I am on a road to my best health...exactly where I wanted to be as I approach 30!
I am thankful for my ENTIRE family. My amazing mom and dad, who are the best parents and grandparents I could ever ask for. I am so blessed that they are in my boys' lives. I am thankful for my siblings--the most interesting bond there is. They become your first friends, strongest allies, partners in goofiness, the list goes on. I love each of them for their uniqueness. I am so glad my boys have awesome aunts and cool uncles. I am thankful for my in laws. They love my boys and bless them just by being around. They support Brad and I and have always allowed us to parent the way we believe God wants us to. I am thankful for that.
My list could go on and on and on and get the picture. God is good! He has blessed me exceedingly and abundantly above what I could ask, think or imagine. I will turn 30 on Thanksgiving Day this year. I am looking forward to a new decade! I am looking forward to walking in health, healing, and the blessings of God this year and in the many years to come.
Thank you for taking the time to read my book! I pray that all of my friends and family have a blessed Thanksgiving and holiday season. We have so MUCH to be thankful for!
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